
Environment is used to change the background of the scene, as described in the 360 photo and video documentation.

Environment.setBackgroundImage(asset('city-pano.jpg'), {
format: '3DTB',



Fades out the current background to black.

setBackgroundImage(url: {uri: string}, options?: EnvironmentOptions)

Sets the current background image to a specified resource, using a uri object or the asset() helper. The options object is optional, and supports the following fields:

  • format - One of the supported 3D formats
  • transition - Specify the transition time for environment fading in/out. Do notice the transition time is doubled for fading out previous environment and then fading in new one.
  • fadeLevel - Specify the fading level of the environment.
  • rotateTransform - The transform of rotation of the environment. On React side you can pass in transform style similar as style.transform, e.g. [{rotateY: '30deg'}, [rotateZ: '90rad']]. On client side, you need to pass in a 16 size number array for a 4x4 matrix.

setBackgroundVideo(handle: string, options?: EnvironmentOptions)

Sets the current background to a video, referenced by the specified handle. The video player must have been initialized before it can be set as the background. The options is the same as image.

// Play a specific video
VideoModule.play('myplayer', {
source: {url: staticResourceURL('path/to/video.mp4')}, // provide the path to the video
stereo: '3DTB', // optionally, supply the format of the video
// Display the video on the Environment

setScreen(screenId: string, handle: ?string, surfaceId: string, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number)

Set a video to be played on a screen. A screen defined a position attached to a surface.

  • screenId - the id of the screen. A screen id must be pre-defined. By default there's only one screen: 'default'. You can call Environment.updateScreenIds() to provide a list of screen ids for usage.
  • handle - the unique video handle
  • surface - the unique surface name
  • x, y, width, height - The relative position related to the surface

preloadBackgroundImage(url: {uri: string})

Preload an 360 image so you can get a smoother transition when calling setBackgroundImage

animateFade(fadeLevel: number, fadeTime: number)

Trigger a fading on current environment background to a specific fade level.