Build a Production Version of Your App

Running on the local server is only for development. Once you're ready to publish your app, you'll need to build prodution versions of the code.

React 360 includes a command that packages everything up into a single folder. Running npm run bundle from the root directory of your project will create production builds of your JS, create a copy of your index.html and NonBlobBridge.js file pointing to the production JS, and place it all in a new build directory. To publish your application, copy the contents of this directory to your server. If you used any files in the static_assets directory, you should also copy this folder to your server. The layout of the files should resemble the following structure:

Web Server
├─ static_assets/
├─ index.html
├─ index.bundle.js
├─ client.bundle.js
└─ NonBlobBridge.js

It's also possible to place your static assets in a different location. You can learn more about this in the next section.